Does Waxing Hurt?

Everyone has a different scale for pain tolerance and what is painful for someone may not be painful for another. However, at House OF Wax, both our wax and our process work together to offer you the most comfortable service possible. If you’re still worried about managing sensitivity, we recommend taking an ibuprofen or aspirin roughly 30 minutes before your appointment to help maximize your comfort. 

How Long Can I Expect My Wax to Last?

You will be hair-free for a minimum of 1-2 weeks following your wax appointment.

Will My Hair Grow Back Thicker or Darker?

Your hair will not grow back thicker or darker after waxing, It's just the opposite! When hair is removed at the root  it grows back softer and finer over time.

What Kind of Wax Do You Use?

We use two different types of wax, both are incredible. We use traditional soft wax and hard wax for larger body areas such as legs, arms, and chest.  Waxes used during service are based on client needs and preference. Traditional soft wax is always used for facial waxing. 

Can I Get Waxed If I'm Taking Retin A, Renova, or Accutane?

These medications increase the rate at which your skin exfoliates so waxing could potentially remove skin as well as hair. Please let your  technician know immediately if you are on any medications. Also be aware that chemical peels, laser, and micro-dermabrasion can also affect skin integrity.

Other Medications To Be Aware Of?

There are many medications that affect skin and skin integrity (glycolic acid, lactic acid, benzyl peroxide, salicylic acid, alpha hydroxyl acid, vitamin A, prescribed exfoliating scrubs, antibiotics, hormonal medications, radiation and/or chemotherapy drugs). Please consult with your physician in regards to any medications and how it may affect your waxing experience. 

Is There An Age Limit For Getting Waxed?

There is not an age limit.  However, if you’re under the age of 18, A parent or guardian must be present at your first visit as we need their consent.

What is House of Wax Cancelation Policy?

Try your best to give advance notice if you need to cancel your appointment! Cancelations made within 24 hours of your appointment may be subject to charges (plus tax if applicable).